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Ting Surname Origin

(Locality). Among the ancient Gaels or Celts the place where courts were held, and justice administered, was called Ting, i. e., to surround; the circle, the temple, or round hill. The Tings at first were only judicial, but, in process of time they became legislative. The most remarkable object of this kind is the Tynwald, in the Isle of Man. Thing, Saxon, a cause, meeting, a council; German, ding, a court. Dutch, Dinger, a pleader.

Source: An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names With an Essay on their Derivation and Import; Arthur, William, M.A.; New York, NY: Sheldon, Blake, Bleeker & CO., 1857.

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A Ting Family History Thought:

'Not to know what happened before we were born is to remain perpetually a child. For what is the worth of a human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history' -- Cicero

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