Palatine Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia

German, Swiss, Dutch & French Palatine ships to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Unknown ship name, possibly the ship St. Andrew, Oct. 20, 1747

Foreigners imported from Rotterdam, last from Leith.

Johannes Gress
Peter Koch *
Henry Bawngwar *
Jacob Spring *
Jacob Frey
Niclaus Lantz
Wilhelm Dauber
Adam Birger
Hans Sheyer *
Adam Schmitt
Johannes Meyer *
Charles Shmit *
Christian Wenger
Georg Schuster
Johannes Stumpf
Ludwig Tecker *
Hans Conrad Beck
Joh. Christian Petersohn
Philip Henrich Seng
Jacob Allimang
Jacob Allimang jr.
John Henry Schneyder
Jacob Schwanger
Johannes Wenger
Christoff Gottschall *
Hans Adam Furny *
Abraham Frantz
Hans Georg Lantz
Christian Gartner ?
Hans Philip Baron
Sim. Con. Steinuth
Joh. Wilhelm Yef *
Georg Wirth
Henry Frantz
Peter Kennel *
Peter Frantz
Johan Kustner
Hans Michel Gleim *
Hans Dewalt Leyty *
Nicklaus Wenger
Henry Likwilder.*

  • From original German signature unless marked with *
  • * From name written by clerk
  • ? Original German signature difficult to decipher

Source: A Collection of upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776; Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, Second Revised Edition, 1876, Philadelphia; pp.177.