Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912

Kefover Family Biography

Peter Kefover came to America from Alsace, Loraine, now Germany, and is the founder of his family in this country. He settled at Frederickstown, Maryland, with his brother George. He was a farmer, an occupation usually followed by his descendants. He married and among his children was a son Philip, of whom further. While many descendants are found in Maryland an important branch of the family settled in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, founded by Philip, son of Peter Kefover, the emigrant.

(II) Philip, son of Peter Kefover, was the first of his family to settle in Fayette county, coming from Maryland during the closing years of the eighteenth century. He was a farmer all his life, dying in Fayette county. He married and among his children was a son William, of whom further.

(III) William, son of Philip Kefover, was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. He was educated in the public school, and has been devoted to agrlculture all his life. He is now living retired at Merrittstown, Fayette county. He married Sarah Jackson, born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, of Virginia ancestry. Children: Mary, deceased; James W., a farmer of Washington county, Pennsylvania; Charles F., of whom further. William Kefover, the father, is living, aged eighty-four years; his wife died in 1911, aged seventy-nine. They were both members of the Presbyterian church of Dunlap Creek.

(IV) Charles F., son of William and Sarah (Jackson) Kefover, was born January 12, 1862, in Nicholson township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania. He grew up on the farm of his father, and received his early education in the public schools. This was followed by a course of study at Dunlap Creek Academy, a Presbyterian preparatory school. He then entered the State Normal School of California, Pennsylvania, whence he was graduated B. A., class of 1884, later receiving the degree of M. A., then taking a post graduate course of two years from the same institution. He also took a private course in Latin, Greek and Mathematics under Rev. James McMasters, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Dunlap Creek. After completing his studies he taught for seven years in public schools and in Dunlap Creek Academy. During this period he began the study of law, and in 1888 entered the law office of Judge Nathaniel Ewing, of Uniontown, as a law student. In 1889 he was admitted to the Pennsylvania bar and at once began the practice of his profession in the office of Judge Ewing, continuing five years. He then opened offices of his own in the old News-Standard Building on Court street. He prospered in his chosen work, becoming well known and extended his practice to all state and federal courts. Besides his extensive legal business he has large interests in coal lands, corporations and real estate. He is a director of the Fayette County National Bank; director and a large stockholder in the Labor Brewing Company. Among his real estate holdings is the old News-Standard building, which he bought and re-christened the Kefover Law building from the fact that it is largely tenanted by lawyers. He still retains his own offices there which he has occupied since first starting in private practice.

He is a Republican in politics, active and influential in the party, but never a candidate himself for elective office. He was borough attorney of Uniontown seven years and has filled other appointive offices; has frequently served on the executive committee of the Fayette county Republican committee and a delegate to party conventions. While a strong party man he stands only for good government and clean political methods. He is public-spirited to a high degree and is active in promoting the public good of his city and state. While reared in the Presbyterian faith he later united with the church of which his wife was a member, the Episcopal. He is an active worker in the church, and contributes his time and influence to the elevation and uplift of his community. He is a member of the various bar associations; was one of the organizers and members of the first board of governors of the Uniontown Country Club, where he is numbered among the golf enthusiasts, playing indeed solely for recreation, but one of the many fine players belonging to the club. His influence everywhere is for good and he is everywhere known and respected for his manly qualities. He married, May 19, 1895, Ann H., daughter of Colonel Thomas B. and Rose (Flanagan) Searight, both old revolutionary families. Children: Charles S. and Rose Elma.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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