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1790 Ancestry Census Records Search

Guide, Clues & Finding Aid for the 1790 U. S. Federal Census. The 1790 census was the first census conducted by the United States and was taken for the purpose of collecting taxes and for the appropriation of seats in the House of Representatives by the population of each state. It is now used for the family history purpose of finding early American ancestors.

Where can I find the 1790 U.S. Census?

There are numerous places to find the 1790 census. While many websites have images, not all images are indexed. Read about each repository below to compare.

Can't find someone in your census search?

Many names may seem incorrect in the census index because surname spelling wasn't fixed as it is today. The census taker may have written the name on the census sheet phonetically as the name sounded to him. Not only may the name have been written incorrectly on the original census, the handwriting may have difficult to decipher when creating the index or the microfilm may have been too faded to read correctly.

How can you use the 1790 Census Records?

Census Date - August 2, 1790

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What can you learn from the 1790 Census?

What states are in the 1790 Census?

The 1790 census enumerated slightly less than four million people in the thirteen original states. Unfortunately, some of 1790 census was destroyed during the War of 1812. The surviving states include Connecticut, Maine (which was part of Massachusetts in 1790), Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Vermont.

For those states whose 1790 census was destroyed (Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee, Virginia), there are 1790 Census Substitute Ideas

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