Perpetual Calendar
Find the calendar for any month and year -
click on TODAY
Tips for Use:
- Use drop down menu to select month and enter 4 digit year (from 0000 to 9999). Then click "Build".
- Use > to advance the calendar one month; use >> to advance the calendar one year.
- Use < to back up the calendar one month; use << to back up the calendar one year.
This calculator uses the Gregorian calendar. Be aware of when the calendar was changed from Julian to Gregorian in the country for which you are performing the calculation and make any necessary adjustment. See the change from Julian to Gregorian calendar by country.
For those wishing accurate Julian Calendar days, there is a standard reference book which has been used by historians and academics all over the world for 60 years -
A Handbook of Dates: For Students of British History (Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks)
Ideas for Use:
- Sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date of an event when you are reading an historic newspaper. If the newspaper is dated January 9, 1899 and states a person died the previous Thursday, use the perpetual calendar to find Thursday's date.
- Use the calendar to flesh out your family history story. It makes the story more interesting to know not just the date but also the day of each event. You may be surprised to find weddings and baptisms on days we consider non-traditional.
Leap Year Rule
There is a leap year every year whose number is divisible by four - except for years which are both divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years, while the year 2000 is.
Calendar Definitions
From the latin ultimo - in the last month; in the month immediately preceding the present; term used in public announcements of births, marriages or deaths in newspapers, and other publications.
Abbreviation for instant; current month; term used in public announcements of births, marriages or deaths in newspapers, and other publications; also used in letters: "regarding your letter of the 15th inst."
A date for the following month from the Latin proximo.
Julian Calendar
The calendar created in 46 BC by Julius Caesar and later replaced by the Gregorian calendar in 1582 (later in Protestant countries).
Gregorian Calendar
The calendar, now used in the Western world, devised by Pope Gregory in 1582 to correct errors in the Julian calendar.
Old Style Date (OS)
Notation used to indicate a date in the Julian calendar.
New Style Date (NS)
Notation used to indicate a date in the Gregorian Calendar.
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